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How to test your fitness at home

To find out how your strength and fitness measures up against the rest of humanity here’s some easy tests you can do in the comfort (and privacy) of your own home.

Welcome to the New Website, and New Branding!

Welcome to the new and improved Reactiv Supplements website. You'll notice this site is completely new, and very different to the old format.

How to burn fat and boost metabolism

When talking body fat levels, 'Metabolism' is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot. If someone's in better shape it could be said that person has a higher metabolism.

10 fat burning facts you need to know

To burn fat and keep it off, the more ammo you can arm yourself with the better.

Pressed for time, a lot on the go?

Getting pressed for time and got a lot on the go? That’s no excuse to throw in the towel, you can still keep your body in check.

Can you change your body?

A question I often get asked, one you may have asked me yourself is, Mike, can I really improve my body, and for the long term?

Snooze, and lose... Weight!

If you want to build a great body, and burn off fat - go put ya feet up, take a nap, blob out.

Q & A: How to lower body fat and increase strength

Question: Hi Mike, my friend recommended I should contact you. Just wondering what products would you recommend for me to use?

Exercise, and feeling under the weather

What are some things you can do to protect yourself against bugs, and how should you approach exercise and training if you do get hit with sickness?

Find your motivation

I often get asked what the secret is for staying motivated to follow a strict diet necessary for weight loss, body toning, or lean muscle gain.

Results are 80% diet, 20% training

One of the big reasons people don’t achieve the body they want is their food intake is never quite spot on.

Tips for a flat stomach & six pack abs

Would you like a slimmer waistline? More sculpted mid section? Or ripped abs? Whatever you’re thinking there’s 3 steps that will set the stomach toning wheels in motion.
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